
This page was created with the intention of educating a wide spectrum of people about the importance of information security in the digital age.

This is not a product review or sales pitch – we are going to look into basic concepts on how to plan, implement and improve information security in a wide range of scenarios – and perhaps even more important, how to integrate it into our daily activities.

Lets be honest here, nobody wants to deal with this, but in this day and age of data processing we are all affected and dealing with the aftermath of data or privacy breaches can be even more of a hassle than actively reducing your exposure risk.

This problem is not going away – no matter how much snakeoil or AI we are going to throw at it – humans are the key factor in a successful defense.

Why the clownfish in the image?

The Occelaris Clownfish protects itself from prey by constantly touching anemone or coral with similar mechanisms. In that sense interacting with information security on a daily basis can protect us in our daily lives as well. As i wanted a picture that somewhat visualizes security/protection and i like to provide my own images.